Autumn Leaves.

Autumn Leaves.

The falling leaves drift by my window
The falling leaves of red and gold
I see your lips the summer kisses
The sunburned hands I used to hold
Since you went away the days grow long
And soon I'll hear old winter's song
But I miss you most of all my darling
When autumn leaves start to fall
Since you went away the days grow long
And soon I'll hear old winter's song
But I miss you most of all my darling
When autumn leaves start to fall
I miss you most of all my darling
When autumn leaves start to fall

dodane na fotoforum:


donkaaa 2009-11-25

Miłego wieczorku. ;)


ane7h 2009-11-26

haha dzieki;D a z chlopakow w mojej klasie jeden jest gejem, drugi pojebem, trzeci ma dziewczyne, a czwarty jest wikingiem;DDDDDD


ane7h 2009-11-27

dobre slowo- wydaje sie:D

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